Connecting minoritized students to research-related opportunities.
It is important to note that there is a dearth of underrepresented minorities who are pursuing PhDs. Because of this, many funds have been set aside to encourage minoritized to pursue such fields by giving them early exposure, paid research experiences, and mentoring with renowned academics in the field. In this section, we would like to tell you about some of these programs. Although the links may change from year to year, we would like to tell you about a few programs that have been around for some time and that are student favorites in terms of teaching them and helping them get into a PhD program. These include: NSF REU (at Rice), SURF, SURE, SROP. We discuss each in a bit of detail.
National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF REU)
The NSF REU program allows undergraduate students from across the United States to apply for research opportunities at other universities. Rice University is an established REU site, in which students receive fundings to travel, live, and conduct research at Rice for a summer. For more information about the NSF REU, please visit this webpage. If you are specifically interested in an REU opportunity in the Rice Psychological Sciences department, please visit this webpage.
OURI Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships
This fellowship provides opportunities to Rice undergraduate students from underrepresented backgrounds to gain research experience with a Rice faculty member in the summer. Awarded students receive a stipend during their time. More more information, please visit this webpage.
Student Opportunity Center
This service allows undergraduate Rice students to search for research and fellowship opportunities. You can find the service at this webpage.