The Master of Industrial-Organizational Psychology (MIOP) is a full-time 2-year professional Master’s program that offers students graduate-level training in an applied area of psychology for which there is a very high demand. Students are provided with scientific and practical knowledge about the nature of the psychology of work and the workplace, the future of work, and a deep set of methodological and statistical skills. Graduates of the program will be well positioned to work in a wide variety of corporate, nonprofit, and government settings, on projects ranging from medical safety to the promotion of inclusive cultures (and prevention of harassing ones). I-O psychologists are presently in extremely high demand according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and US News and World Report (#2 in USNWR Best Science Jobs, 2020); Rice’s existing I-O psychology doctoral program receives routine requests from employers seeking students with Master’s-level training.

Industrial and organizational psychologists strive to make workplaces more efficient, pleasant, and productive through research and application. Rice University's Industrial-Organizational Psychology graduate program is currently ranked #1 in the country by U.S. News & World Report (2022).